About Our Pool and Conditions of Hire

About Our Pool
A warm, private pool with a UV treatment system. There are virtually no microorganisms that are immune to UV and so chlorine levels can be reduced by almost two thirds – down to 0.5ppm - compared to typical pools
1 or 2 hour hire slots. Your hire time includes your changing time and requires you to leave within 5 mins of the end of your time.
The pool is For Your Exclusive Use and is charged depending on the number of swimmers.
Recreational bookings can be made via this website
Enquiries regarding commercial booking should contact us using the contact form
Conditions of Use
1. Contract of hire
The hiring contract shall be between Kariba Pool Hire (the operator) and the lead person who makes the booking and shall deemed to be made subject to these conditions of hire. Unauthorised use of the facilities is not permitted. At each visit users are to sign the signing in sheet to acknowledge adherence to these rules and conditions of hire.
The hire time is for your use of the facility. You have access 5 mins before your booked time slot and 5 mins after. The 5 mins beyond the hire time is for you to mop up and ensure the facility is left how you found it. Please ensure that you vacate the premises 5 minutes after your session ends.
2. Safety
No lifeguard is provided.
Anyone using the facilities does so at their own risk.
There must always be a responsible/competent adult swimmer present when children are present. Adults must be able to care for children in the event of an accident.
Adults in the group must have a mobile phone to contact emergency services if required, as the owners may not always be available.
Users have a duty of care for their guests.
Users can view a copy of the Pool Operating Instructions, which outlines the risk factors and safety procedures, a copy is left on the round table in the pool area.
Maximum of 8 in the pool at any one time.
No Diving into pool. (Max depth of the pool 1.6m)
In the event of an accident or incident, please notify the owners, so that a record can be made in the accident book.
Do not allow a person within the group who may have a contagious illness to swim.
No unauthorised access to the plant room or store at the rear of the building.
3. Loss and Injury
The owners or Kariba Pool Hire will not be held liable for any injury, illness, accident or loss or damage to property, however caused, directly or indirectly in or out of the pool.
4. Consideration for other members
Members are kindly requested to leave the facilities as they would wish to find them.
The allotted session includes time for changing. Please clear the building by the end of your session time.
No outdoor footwear is allowed into the changing room or around the pool.
Shower at home before your session as this reduces the need for extra chemicals in the pool.
Young children still using nappies must wear swim nappies. Used nappies to be taken home by carers.
The pool is sited in a residential area and due consideration should be given to our neighbours.
Please park in the lay by opposite our house. Parking along the road is not permitted as it is a private road.
5. Damage
All damages and breakages must be reported immediately to the owners.
6. Additional terms
Only responsible persons over the age of 18 years can book the pool.
The proprietors retain the right to cancel a session without notice.
Strictly no smoking or eating on or around the premises.
No sub-letting.
Individuals or groups can be refused bookings for non-compliance with these terms.
7. Lone swimmers
We only allow members to swim alone. Lone swimmers do so at their own risk, keeping in mind the risk of no one else being around if something happens (slipping or becoming unwell in the water).